Tuesday 28 September 2010

like I just stepped out of a salon....

The woman trots across the asphalt, black, long hair swishing as she moves.  Her four inch, steel covered stiletto heels throw her weight forward, causing her back to arch and her bum to stick out.  The whole impression is of an excited pony.  Skidding to a halt she joins her friends.  Although her body is now still, movement continues with her head, as every so often it jerks to one side, in an exaggerated flick of hair. Or she'll laugh, throwing her head back with a little shake, causing her hair to shimmy across her back.  Just as a horse does to flick off the flies.

As I pass, I glance back to see her from the front.  The woman's hair is dyed blond in an inch thick section either side of her face and along her fringe.  It's in stark contrast to the black and I'm strangely reminded of a football goal post.

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